Monday, December 30, 2013

Weight on the Mind

Case Study

A client came to me because of her weight issue, she had tried everything she could to loose weight but nothing seemed to work.
In her intake she said she felt dirty, embarrassed and ashamed by her weight issue.
The regression for her took her back to when she was 2 years old and sadly she was abused by a parent, she had no conscious recollection of this incident, it was only in the session it came up.
She would be rewarded by snacks after the events took place.
She felt dirty, embarrassed and ashamed of her weight but the truth was she felt all those things about the abuse. She felt guilty because as a child she wanted to spend alone time with the parent because she got treated better then the others, and was made to feel special, once explained that we are sexual beings from birth, and this was a normal reaction to physical touch she was able to let go of the guilt.

She was over eating for two reasons, food tastes good and when I feel good it means I have been a good girl, and secondly if she was overweight no one would find her attractive and it was protection for her
We went into forgiveness for the abuse and she agreed she had suffered enough, she was finally willing to let it all go, by forgiving we are never saying it is ok, we are simply saying we are no longer willing to put energy into something that no longer serves us, at this time she was signed up to a contract, she had no choice, but Today she is resigning.
This session was 3 months ago, she has gained confidence, lost weight and now beginning to look at dating!
Secondary gain is at work here again, using the weight as protection, no one would look at her and she was safe from further abuse.

peace is health!

Check out my website for more information Hypnosis Orlando

Saturday, December 28, 2013

You can do it!

To live is to breathe, to breathe is to have hope, to have hope is everything!

Friday, December 27, 2013

New Year - No Fear

Well here we are a brand new year 2014 is finally here!

So what are your thoughts for these new 12 months ?

Well I have been watching some You Tube video's and thought I should write a blog all about what you may want to do for YOU this year.

New Year - No Fear is exactly what it says it is, we all live with fear on a daily basis, Fear of failure, Fear of rejection, Fear of not being worthy or good enough.

I Could go on.

So this year I am going to help my clients to releasing their fears.

I was asked the other day, Sarah I have no fear! I don't need help.

After a ten minute discussion he realized he had a lot, he just wasn't aware of it.

For example, he seems to be able to earn money but then looses it, in the most unbelievable ways, after some thought provoking talk. he came to the conclusion that he is fearful of wealth, I have seen this before in so many people.

So why when we need money and we want it, what happens for us to have the opposite of what we really want? Answer is fear.

He was raised with the thought that money was the root of all evil, and in fact had the opinion that people with money are usually not nice people, he would in fact rather be cash poor and popular rich than have money and the negatives that come along with it.

So think about that, is this inside of you?

Remember Neurons that fire together - Wire together! This is so true, if you keep doing the same thing, you will always get the same result.

You will hard wire your brain to act in a certain way, make sure it's going to do what you want.

Help is at hand and it's not as bad as you think!

Call me today on 407-494-3578 I offer a FREE Consultation and I am available to answer any questions you may have.

Hypnoteyes - Changing Lives

I don't Deserve

Case Study

A client walked into my office after trying for a baby for 3 years, medically everything seemed to be ok, but it just wasn’t happening.
I asked her how she felt about this issue and she reported feeling, ashamed, embarrassed, evil and angry.
She had told me she had been pregnant in the past and lost the baby, so she knew it was possible to conceive.
During a regression she was back in hospital, however it was when she had an termination, she felt all those negative emotions at the time, once she was able to see that she did the best she could at that time in her life given the resources she had she was able to forgive herself for making the choice.
Because in her mind she felt bad and evil for the choice she made back then this was what was stopping her from getting pregnant, the phrase that came back was you don’t deserve to have a child you had your chance and blew it.
After the session she felt a sense of relief and said that she had almost convinced herself that it never happened.
When I followed up 6 weeks later she said she was pregnant and they were over the moon, currently she is 4 months pregnant and having a wonderful pregnancy.

By not thinking she was worthy of a baby because of an earlier choice she actually stopped herself from conceiving a child, yet again secondary gain was at work here.
Secondary gain is usually to blame for most things a hypnotherapist deals with, but it is understandable that the client felt this way, however is it something a session can resolve.

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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Science reveals the secrets of Hypnosis

WEDNESDAY, Oct. 10 (HealthDay News) -- The brains of people who can't be hypnotized differ from those who are easily put into a trance, a new study finds.

Researchers used MRI scans to examine activity of three different brain networks in 12 adults who were easily hypnotized and 12 others who weren't.

The brain networks were: the default-mode network, used when the brain is idle; the executive-control network, used in making decisions; and the salience network, used when deciding if something is more important than something else.

The brain scans showed that both groups had an active default-mode network, but the highly hypnotizable people had greater co-activation between parts of the executive-control network and the salience network, the Stanford University School of Medicine researchers found.
The study was published in the October issue of the journal Archives of General Psychiatry.

Hypnosis, which has been shown to help with brain control over sensation and behavior, can be used to help treat pain, phobias, stress and anxiety, the study authors noted in a Stanford news release.

"There's never been a brain signature of being hypnotized, and we're on the verge of identifying one," study senior author Dr. David Spiegel, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, said in the news release.

Such a finding would shed light on how hypnosis works, and how it can most effectively be used to treat patients, Spiegel explained.

He said about 25 percent of the patients he sees cannot be hypnotized. "There's got to be something going on in the brain," Spiegel concluded. 

 407-494-3578 Call today for more information   Hypnoteyes - Changing Lives

Improve your love life!

Hypnosis can improve your sexual life. Read how hypnosis works and what are the dangers of hypnosis,Misconceptions about hypnosis

There are many rumors about hypnosis and hypnotists. Many people believe that hypnotists have special powers and that hypnosis can be misused. This is naturally not true. Hypnosis is a natural state, just like sleeping and being awake. We can achieve this state ourselves. It can also be done by a hypnotist, but only under certain conditions. The person that the hypnotist is attempting to hypnotize must be relaxed, capable of a certain amount of concentration and willing. You can’t hypnotize people against their will. You also can’t become trapped in a hypnotic state because it is just as natural as sleeping. Sooner or later, you wake up from hypnosis and fall asleep or become awake. Hypnosis is always self-induced, except that autohypnosis can also be caused by a hypnotist because they are guiding you to the altered state using power of suggestion and words. Even various mantras that some individuals keep repeating in their heads every day, like: “I’m not attractive enough”, “I’m not going to pass this exam”, can have a hypnotic effect.

Hypnosis as a therapeutic method for better sexuality

Hypnosis is used as a complimentary method, besides psychoanalysis and various psychotherapeutic approaches, to do away with various sexual problems. It can be used to solve problems on your own or together with your partner. This applies to the field of sexuality as well. It is always effective when the problems are psychological, when an individual holds on to negative experiences from the past, can’t relax, has a negative opinion of him or herself. Hypnosis touches upon the subconscious and effectively changes people, but we mustn’t understand it in the wrong way. People must have the desire to change, otherwise therapists have no chance of achieving anything. The other useful value is more practical. Self-hypnosis is an effective way to relax and relaxation is crucial during intercourse.

Instructions for relaxation before going to bed (or having sexual intercourse)

You lie on your back and close your eyes. Slowly, you begin to listen to your breathing and try to focus on it. Imagine a wave of relaxation going from your head to your heels and back again. Start with the scalp, forehead and eyes. Relax every muscle in your face, on your neck and so on. Try to feel the relaxation of every muscle in the way of the wave, while you keep breathing evenly. If you don’t fall asleep, try having sexual intercourse when you are this relaxed as well.

Hypnosis as an aid in everyday life

We are all familiar with thousands of books that tell us to be positive and the world will literally be turned upside down. Most of these teachings are based on autosuggestion, which is nothing more than a form of auto hypnosis. Just like hypnosis isn’t effective (even though it has the potential) on everyone, autosuggestion can also not work, especially if we resist such a “stupid” method in advance. But it can be very effective and can change our lives significantly, in the field of sexuality as well. Premature ejaculation, a poor self-image, the inability to reach an orgasm – all these are areas where hypnosis (self-hypnosis) works wonders. The power of hypnosis has been proved in the field of orgasms. It has been proved that everyone can reach a full orgasm under hypnosis, without any physical stimulation. The orgasm is in fact only in the head.

Instructions for reaching an orgasm

First relax, like it was described before. Then imagine that you are slowly descending down some stairs, a tunnel, riding a cloud, etc. This will strengthen the hypnotic state. Let your thoughts come and go, don’t get caught up in them. When you are completely relaxed, start imagining that you are enjoying intercourse with your partner. It as the best intercourse you have ever had. You are enjoying the warmth of two bodies, their energies. You feel skin touching skin. Suck in the sensations through all the senses. Slowly, imagine feeling an orgasm (the best kind) approaching. Let it wash over you and when the contractions get really powerful, imagine colors or light flashing in your brain. When the orgasm becomes more intense, let the light grow as well. Let it become bigger and more powerful. When you are having intercourse with your partner the next time and you feel an orgasm coming on, visualize this light and allow it to help you reach the best orgasm ever. You won’t be sorry.

We really can achieve anything we want, we just have to put our mind's to it!  for more information and guidance

How Hypnosis can help Law Enforcement

Yes you did read that right. Hypnosis can in fact help solve crimes.

There are many times during our busy lives when we are driving from one location to another, but how many times have you seen something out of the ordinary and thought that's weird?

Well hopefully this post next time will help you to take a moment and look at what you are driving past.

Everything you ever experience in life is stored within your mind, it is always there and can be recalled at will.

With this information if we all took a moment to read the license plate of a car that looked out of place, if we took a moment to look at someone who is acting strange, and also to look at the time we saw this.

We could hold the key to solving a crime, most law enforcement departments can use Hypnosis to go back in a witness's mind to the day they saw a car parked along the road, by slowing the scene down as you replay it in your mind you will be able to recall the license plate and more valuable information.

So the next time you are driving along and see something that looks out of place, take time, read the license plate, look at the time and go on with your day.

You never know when it may help in more ways than you know.

Call me today on 407-494-3578 for more information

If you want to know more about this fascinating topic look on my website for further information.

Hypnoteyes bringing Hypnosis in Orlando and surrounding areas

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Are you concerned about the mental Health of someone?

I want to talk a little about the tragedy of Sandy Hook.

So many times, when there has been a terrible incident where lives have been lost we find out afterwards that there were some signs that something was wrong and yet no one took action to prevent it, I would guess because they did not know how or what to do.

It turned out after the investigation on Sandy Hook that the guy who was responsible, had some mental issues that could have given an indication to others that something may have been about to happen.

If you know someone who just doesn't seem themselves, someone who has been working through some issues and still seems to be struggling, please try and make some time for them, check in on them.

Your intervention may help them get the help they need.

In this situation, it seems as though his mom was thinking about sending him to a residential home, it seemed as if he was already suffering from a mental health issue, these two factors meant he was at high risk of either self harming or worse. He probably felt unloved, unwanted and hopeless.

With this added to firearms the unthinkable happened.

Sometimes situations are so difficult and can seem impossible to face but if someone had intervened this incident may never have happened.

So if you know someone who may be at risk, you could do a risk assessment, are there firearms in the house, you could make sure they are locked away and secured? Remove the ammunition? Remove the Firearm?

Secondly reach out for help, speak to their close friends family, have a discussion about what the family can do, seek trusted medical advice.

With more awareness towards people who may need more help, we may be able to help prevent incidents like Sandy Hook from happening. 

Dr Phil aired a show the week after Sandy Hook pin pointing the behaviors to look out for and even some parents had come forward showing their concern over their own children. and sadly a parent whose child had committed the unthinkable at school.

If you know something isn't right please do something, don't do nothing.

We all need to be aware of other people and what they are going through and be there to support them and their families.

Let's be there for each other in 2014

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Worried about the Dentist ?

Hypnoteyes now offers a MP3 downloadable recording to help you with your fear of the dentist.

For many the thought of a Dental visit fills us with horror and we start to experience negative side effects.

This is a automatic physical reaction to the idea of a dental visit.

Fear is something that is learned, all that is needed is one bad experience at the Dentist, as a child and we can be left with a fear for the rest of our lives, at the time the incident occurred we were young and didn't know we would be ok, so the fight of flight mode came into play.

Because typically this is the main reason for a fear of dental work, we can now overcome it.

So if you or someone you care about are afraid of the dentist and you have really suffered enough of the Anxiety, please know help is at hand.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Mommy are you there ?

Case Study
A lady came to see me because she lacked confidence, when it came to work and relationships she was floored.
She said in the intake she felt abandoned, alone and sad and bad by not being able to speak up.
We went back to childhood and found the cause there.
Her mother would leave her in the playroom for hours, thinking she would be ok with toys etc.
The client as a child was so scared to be alone and cried for hours, calling out for anyone to come and get her, her calls were left unanswered.
As a result the child believed she had been abandoned, and was alone and sad and bad.
She concluded that there was no point it crying out for attention because no one cared or wanted to listen.

By not needing to speak up she was protecting herself from rejection of others and shying away in the corner of the room.
After we had finished the regression protocol she was all healed and the forgiveness was truly life changing for her.
She now lives with confidence in her own ability to be able to speak up for what she wants and is now living a much more calm and peaceful life, she is not needy anymore, and this has helped her marriage so much, they are like newly weds and he loves the fact she wants to take a more active role in the relationship.
Secondary gain is working again here, by keeping her quiet she hoped to be accepted by others.
How you feel about your issue is the issue!

Check out my website for more information Hypnosis Orlando

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hypnosis and Childbirth

Labor doesn’t have to be excruciating. Intense, yes. Sensational and powerful, definitely. But bitterly painful, no. Some would even go so far as to say that it doesn’t have to be painful at all.

Hypnobirthing – Hypnosis for Childbirth


Tools to Reduce Pain

Deep relaxation, confidence, physical health, and acceptance of labor for what it is and not what it might be can lead to a totally different birth experience.
Hypnotherapists train women, through hypnosis, to totally relax and believe in their bodies’ innate knowledge and ability during labor, so that they can reduce or totally eliminate pain. This gives women the opportunity to enjoy labor, rather than just wait for the moment it ends.
Hypnosis does this by reprogramming our beliefs about birth, our bodies, and our role a birthing women. It also gives us the tools we need to deeply relax. Relaxation is important during childbirth for allowing the body to open up so that the baby can easily slide out.
I believe this kind of labor is possible for all women who are willing to do a little mental and physical reprogramming.
Stress and Tension Relief
Our conscious minds have us convinced that labor is unbearably painful and that our bodies are faulty. We have been trained to believe that birth is a medical procedure and that anything can go wrong at any moment.
But it isn’t this at all. Every creature on earth, besides humans, births relatively effortlessly. Honestly, we can’t really exempt humans from this category either. There are many accounts of uncivilized women who have no such difficulty with birth.
It takes some preparation to ensure a comfortable and manageable labor. Relaxation plays a big role but so does our nutritional status.
If you eat a nutrient deficient diet and you’re low on nutrients – as most women are – you are much more likely to suffer extreme labor pains, much like you suffer extreme menstrual cramps.
Magnesium, for example, helps the muscles to relax. Magnesium deficiency is very common in the general population and can become a particular problem for pregnant women who eat a lot of dairy. Iron deficiency, which is common among pregnant women, can cause muscle tension and spasms. High blood sugar can cause panic attacks and fear, which leads to muscle tension. Systemic inflammation, which is common among those who eat refined vegetable oils, dairy, sugar, and grains, also causes pain.
I believe it is a mixture of our diets, our beliefs about labor, and our inability to relax that keeps us from having easy births. Hypnosis is a method that can help change our beliefs and our habits.

My First Birth Experience

I didn’t know anything about hypnosis for labor during my last pregnancy. I knew about relaxation techniques and I’m sure those were somewhat helpful but I didn’t go into labor empowered with the true belief that my labor could be painless or that it could be magical or non-medical.
Some of you know that my first birth experience was pretty traumatic – carried out in a hospital. It was fraught with fear and even bitterness towards the hospital staff. I was alone with only my husband (at the time), mistreated, misguided, and made to take drugs and a glucose IV, all while needlessly lying in bed. My contractions were painful and I was afraid and frustrated – not too far off from most women’s experience these days.
For years after I had believed that mine was a broken body – that I was never meant to have babies and that it was beyond my control.
But since becoming pregnant this time around, I don’t believe any of that. Not only have I recovered my health over the years but I have completely changed my view of what birthing should be.

Our Beliefs and Environment Shape Our Experience

My expectations are different now thanks to my midwife, Nedra Wilson, and my friend, Elaina McMillan, a relationship expert and hypnotherapist.
Nedra has assured me through her experience and confidence in women that childbirth is a natural process which every woman just knows – that it is not a medical procedure, and that in the privacy of one’s own home it can be dramatically different and less painful than it might be in a hospital or even birth center.
Elaina believes that childbirth can be painless if we break down the walls standing in our way – i.e. our conscious mind. Our conscious minds try to control and intellectualize labor, adding to tension and, hence, pain. If we learn, through hypnosis, to put our conscious minds to rest, we can allow our bodies to take over this very natural and innate process that is birth. If we are able to relax, to focus, and to have confidence, we can do the job efficiently and painlessly.

Hypnosis Can Help Us Achieve Deep Relaxation

Hypnosis is all about breaking down barriers – barriers that stand in our way of just about every healthy action we don’t take. For example, our conscious minds have us convinced that we will fail, that we are not good enough, that we will make mistakes. Our culture has taught us that in birth we will experience pain and that pain is bad and that it is something we must fight against. We can try to convince ourselves otherwise but we usually fall back into the same rhythms.
Hypnosis can help us break free of those rhythms.
Through deep relaxation and a reprogramming of our beliefs in what birth should be, we can diminish the perception of pain, cope with the intensity and length of labor, as well as enjoy the miracle of childbirth.

Why Deep Relaxation Helps Ease Labor

The uterus is smooth muscle, just like the intestines. We all know how ineffective our digestive systems become when we are stressed or afraid. Smooth muscle is designed to shut down under these circumstances. But in our overly stressful world, we have largely lost the ability to relax and allow our bodies to work the way they should.
I like to compare contractions to the need to poo. I know, that’s a little morbid. But it really is similar. We don’t tell our bodies when we need to go to the bathroom any more than we tell our bodies when to have a baby. Our bodies are ready for that when they’re ready. In a constipated person, it’s never quite ready though – the smooth muscle of the intestines just doesn’t move rhythmically and powerfully enough to make a bowel movement happen.
Something similar might be happening in a long, hard labor. It’s no surprise that child birth could be so difficult for the vast population since around 80% of Americans suffer of constipation at some point in their lives. A sort of “labor constipation” could be happening to 80% of women during childbirth.
The two processes are controlled by the same factors – diet and relaxation.

Preparing for My Homebirth

I have had a lot of work to do on myself while pregnant this time around and very little time to do it, what with my serious bike accident only a year and a half behind me, my dad dying of Alzheimer’s only a couple of months ago, a move, family matters, and the pressures of book deadlines.
I have watched some great videos about pregnancy and birthing, such as Pregnant in America, that have helped me to look back on my first birth experience and take it for what it was, a medical mishap.
I have recently started trying to face my fears and old beliefs and intellectualize them right out of me.
And now, 4 weeks before my due date, I am using hypnosis to help retrain my habits so that in the moment of labor, while I’m feeling the intensity and pressure so reminiscent of previous horror, I will glide right over these past experiences and fear nothing.
Yesterday, Elaina came over started her magic on my subconscious. We spent the first hour talking about my first birth experience, my fears, my successes, my wishes. And then she talked to me about how birth is really supposed to be and how I can work to achieve that ideal.
According to Elaina, during  a hypnosis session the conscious mind is essentially put to sleep so that the subconscious can be open to suggestion. Elaina taught my subconscious about how to relax, gave me access to some new skills, and offered suggestions about a healthy childbirth.
The hypnosis session itself lasted 25 minutes. When we were through she asked how long I thought it had been. I said, “I don’t know, 4 or 5 minutes.” The experience was truly shocking. I was not asleep at all but I also wasn’t conscious.
I am not the closed minded type but I am hugely skeptical. While I felt open to hypnosis I had no idea how quickly I would start to notice a difference. For the last couple of days I have felt confident in my body (you may have noticed some of my fears coming out in recent Facebook and blog posts). I have a more positive view of my strength and abilities than I ever have before. It’s crazy. I’m liking it.
For the next several weeks I will be listening to the recording of our session and practicing deep relaxation. Elaina says that “Creating a whole new story about the birth process is key.” We can do this with practice because the “subconscious mind is receptive to repetition.” With practice, we can “trade out the fears and doubts for enthusiasm and excitement about the magic that is childbirth.”

The above is all true and completely achievable, for more information contact me at Hypnosis in Orlando.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Love Water

Do you love water?

You should it's very good for you!

Make water a part of your new years resolution!

Sarah from Hypnoteyes - changing lives