Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Are you concerned about the mental Health of someone?

I want to talk a little about the tragedy of Sandy Hook.

So many times, when there has been a terrible incident where lives have been lost we find out afterwards that there were some signs that something was wrong and yet no one took action to prevent it, I would guess because they did not know how or what to do.

It turned out after the investigation on Sandy Hook that the guy who was responsible, had some mental issues that could have given an indication to others that something may have been about to happen.

If you know someone who just doesn't seem themselves, someone who has been working through some issues and still seems to be struggling, please try and make some time for them, check in on them.

Your intervention may help them get the help they need.

In this situation, it seems as though his mom was thinking about sending him to a residential home, it seemed as if he was already suffering from a mental health issue, these two factors meant he was at high risk of either self harming or worse. He probably felt unloved, unwanted and hopeless.

With this added to firearms the unthinkable happened.

Sometimes situations are so difficult and can seem impossible to face but if someone had intervened this incident may never have happened.

So if you know someone who may be at risk, you could do a risk assessment, are there firearms in the house, you could make sure they are locked away and secured? Remove the ammunition? Remove the Firearm?

Secondly reach out for help, speak to their close friends family, have a discussion about what the family can do, seek trusted medical advice.

With more awareness towards people who may need more help, we may be able to help prevent incidents like Sandy Hook from happening. 

Dr Phil aired a show the week after Sandy Hook pin pointing the behaviors to look out for and even some parents had come forward showing their concern over their own children. and sadly a parent whose child had committed the unthinkable at school.

If you know something isn't right please do something, don't do nothing.

We all need to be aware of other people and what they are going through and be there to support them and their families.

Let's be there for each other in 2014

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