Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Why YOU need to be Hypnotized!

Here is why you should put being hypnotized at the top of your to-do list.

1. Stress Into Success
Most people think that chronic tension is part of life in the new millennium. Actually, tension is a signal from your nervous system that something is wrong. Tension saps your strength, and chronic tension breaks your body down, leading to disease. Tension also impedes your performance in every human endeavor. From public speaking to sex, tension is your enemy.
Hypnosis is like pressing the restart button for your brain and body. In the hypnotic state, you dump accumulated stress, and your body shifts gears, devoting energy to lowering blood pressure, improving digestion, pumping up your immune system and balancing your hormones. Imagine a night of perfect sleep where you wake up refreshed; your mind is clear, your body blissfully relaxed, and you feel re-energized. You now have an idea of what many people experience when they come out of hypnosis.

2. The Hypnotic Facelift
When I demonstrate hypnotism, a common remark from the audience is how much younger the subject looks after the trance. This isn’t anti-aging magic; it’s biology. Many of those lines in your face are the products of tension and worry, not genetics. Release this pent-up mental and physical tension, and you look years younger instantly. Think of hypnosis as Botox without the toxin.
Hypnosis also turns back the aging clock by relaxing capillaries, which allows blood to carry oxygen and nutrients to hair and skin more efficiently. All the markers of old age, including inflexibility, fatigue and depression, are reversed by trance. There is a fountain of youth hidden inside you. Hypnosis can help you discover it.
3. Natural Self-Mastery
Diet, success and golf gurus can teach how to lose weight, make money and win tournaments, but, in the end, it’s you who has to make it happen. Hypnosis gives you mental focus and discipline to do the things you say you’re going to do. The act of guiding your brain and body into hypnosis opens communication between your conscious intention and the subconscious that make things happen.
This interaction brings with it personal power and self-discipline. Instead of failed diets or fears holding you back in business, you walk away with the winner’s trophy because now your mind and body are accepting directions instead of telling you what to do.

4. The Great Sex, Sound Sleep, Swimming Pool Connection
Have you noticed that sometimes the harder you try to do something, the more difficult it becomes? That is because of the law of reversed effort. Try to sink in a swimming pool and you float, but struggle to stay on top and you sink. The same is true for getting to sleep or having great sex; we usually do our best the less we try. In hypnosis, you quickly discover how to let go and allow your mind and body to rise to the occasion.
As you learn to allow your subconscious to do its stuff and use less conscious effort, you drift off to dreamland faster and find the power to be a super lover naturally. Best of all, harnessing this letting-go process isn’t limited to the bedroom. Allowing old wounds to heal, letting go of toxic relationships and self-limiting beliefs and releasing fear become second nature once you learn to let go and allow yourself to go into trance.

5. Creativity Is Doubled
Do you get your best ideas in the shower? When you are driving or working out, do insights and solutions pop into your mind as if out of nowhere? While most people strain to solve problems with the analytical part of the brain, the real source of creativity is located in the subconscious. The “a-ha” moments that hit you out of the blue are byproducts of this powerful but hidden creative process.
Since hypnosis primarily involves the subconscious, it gives you access to this creative force and allows you to direct it into the projects and problems you face each day. A math professor was hypnotized and given a series of complicated calculus problems to solve in 20 minutes. In those 20 minutes, the teacher accomplished an astonishing two hours worth of work. Asked by the researchers how he managed to ramp up his speed six-fold but still maintain his accuracy, the professor replied, “It was fun.”
6. Passion & Purpose
We live in a raced-paced world that can seem as complicated as quantum physics. With so much going on, it’s easy to be swept up in the chaos and cut off from life’s big picture and our place in that picture. When we lose our sense of purpose, an undercurrent of dissatisfaction dogs our days, and people go through addiction, divorce and jail before they realize that the issue is within.
Hypnosis frees the mind from traveling those neural loops that keep people small and miserable. Changing the way you use your brain, hypnosis takes you out of your regular mode of thinking, giving you an objective and expanded view of your situation and attitude. Rising above old thought patterns allows your perspective to fill with new possibilities and fires up your passion.
7. It’s Fun! Really, it is. Try it, you’ll like it.
Here are three fun exercises that you can do for free:
Download a free self-confidence hypnosis mp3 by visiting my website at MarcSavard.com. See for yourself how great hypnosis can make you feel.
If you could answer any question about yourself, what would the question be? Get the answer by trying this fun hypnosis exercise.

Great information by Marc Savard.

www.hypnoteyes.me  bringing Hypnosis to Orlando and surrounding areas.

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