Saturday, July 7, 2012

Stage Hypnosis, Is it really mind control?

Stage Hypnosis, what you always wanted to know!

The first barrier I have to deal with most people is explaining to them that Hypnosis is not mind control.

For this reason I do not really agree with Stage Shows, it creates fear in people, and makes them very wary of even looking at this amazing alternative treatment.

So how does it work?

Most people can be Hypnotized, there are a few percent who cannot because they do not have the normal brain function to concentrate for any amount of time, anyone who is under the influence also cannot be Hypnotized.

Everyone else are "normal" except for the few people who are thrill seekers, there are the really out there people who will do anything for a laugh, they will be the life and soul of the party and be incredibly extrovert.

When a Hypnosis stage show is booking a venue they know those prime seats right in front of the stage will contain a high volume of the "out there" people.

They want to be right there, they want to see everything, they want to be involved.

So with a few suggestibility tests, they pass with flying colors, they are invited on stage, the Hypnotist has indeed really chosen some 15 people but they are the extroverts and would do anything for a laugh anyway.

So this is why Stage Hypnosis appears to be scary to viewers, yes it is real but those people are there because they want to be.

So if you want to know more please contact me and I will be happy to spend some time with you, my consultations are free.

Check out Hypnosis Orlando for more details.

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