Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Are you frustrated by people in the world ?

Well today I want to try and help people to be OK about the world we now live in, and those we share it with.

The other day I was having a bad day and running late, I found myself "stuck" behind a slow driver.

I was so frustrated and couldn't do anything but hope they turned the other way at the light.

And then on the way back someone was riding my bumper and I was angry, they were swerving all over the road behind me, I was doing the speed limit for the road and wasn't going to risk a ticket.

It occurred to me that maybe he like me was having a bad day and was desperately trying to get to an appointment because he was running late.

Who knows? His mom may have been in an accident and he was rushing to the hospital? His girlfriend may have gone into labor and he was trying to make it before the baby arrived.

I know that everyday we are ALL doing the best we can with the resources we have, and if all we can do is our best then that's good enough!

A few years ago whilst I was in Gainsville at my Hypnotherapy School my bank got held up by gunmen, I was so angry, how dare they do that!

He calmly said Sarah you are not in a position to judge

Oh yes I can I replied I would never do that,  and why not he asked me?

Because it's wrong I said, no matter how bad things got I could never do that. And why would you never do that I was asked?

Because I was raised with good morals and principles!

So he told me if he's doing the best he can given the resources he has, where do you think he's come fro, how bad is his life right now?

What we know is he's in a desperate situation and at this point has no choice, so Sarah, I know you are angry at him but you need to extend love to him.

What ? Send love to him?  why on earth should I do that?

Because he needs it more than you do!

Sobering thought isn't it.

So next time you look at the world and people in it and get angry, just think for a moment, look at the bigger picture.

I now choose to live a more peaceful life and yes sometimes I still have to check myself but when I remember that we are ALL doing the BEST we can with what we have I can choose not to react in an angry way.

Why should I allow someone to affect they way I feel all day ?

So sending this to everyone in the hope of bringing some peace and of course extending love.

My website is www.hypnoteyes.me if you want to live with peace please get on touch so I can help you get to your goals today!

1 comment:

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