Monday, January 6, 2014

Preparing for the birth of your baby

So your expecting a baby! congratulations but are you really ready ?

As an adult we decide to have a family but children do not arrive with a user manual, the only thing we can do is our best, and the way we do that is by the way we were parented ourselves.

We make a choice, well my childhood was unpleasant and I don't want my child to go through that, so I choose to do the opposite, or I turned out ok so I will replicate what I had.

There is no right or wrong answer here but we still need to think ahead carefully.

By making the choice we can relax a little, but there will still be issues you had that you may pass onto your child so consider this.

If you were left alone a lot when you were a child, (felt abandoned) you may decide your childhood is not good enough to base your child's upbringing on, but what you decide now may make the situation worse in the long term.

You may decide to always be there for your child (nothing wrong with that whatsoever) but if you are worrying about these issues, concerned if you have what it takes to be a great parent, whilst pregnant it's possible to transfer these insecurities onto your unborn child.

You may send a message to the child that it is never ok to be alone and it may end up leaving them with a feeling of being insecure and unsafe, which is ok for a few years but can start to cause issues when they begin to go into Kindergarten, they may suffer separation anxiety.

It's possible to end up doing as much harm but in the other direction.

So if you are considering trying for a baby, think about the plan for parenting before you get pregnant, make sure you and your partner have an agreement on a parenting plan and really do your child the best service ever, by being completely ready, emotionally for their arrival.

If you feel you have insecurity or issues it would be the best and most caring thing to do for the mother of your baby to get these dealt with as soon as possible.

Check out my website for more information. Hypnosis Orlando 

1 comment:

  1. Eheberatung I was in the coffee shop this morning, carrying out one of several stuff that I love to perform, watching men and women
