Thursday, June 12, 2014

Do you worry about your networking skills?

We know that times are hard, and the way we do business has changed, but also we need to change the way we conduct ourselves in the business world.

Networking has become the fastest way of increasing business, this however can be a daunting task and can leave us feeling anxious and like a fish out of water.

Going to the meeting is one thing and mingling among the other members, but having to stand up and say a one minute talk about your business and what you are looking for can seem like the hardest thing you have ever been asked to do.

For many of us it takes us right back to being a child at school and being asked to stand up and say something in class.

Being able to be comfortable, clear and relaxed can make all the difference in the message you are getting across.

One on one meetings are also incredibly important, don't forget, when you join a new group, it will take some time for the group to learn to trust you, they need to get to know you, if all they ever heard was your one minute they won't always have a clear understanding of how you work, what you need and why you are asking for a certain lead/referral.

So a one on one meeting is very important, it shows the other member you respect them and you want to know about their business, Remember networking is all about what you can do for others, although you want business, networking is a two way street, you need to give first and receive later.

And it is not always about business, I have known many people who have found great friendships through networking, something I'm sure you agree is priceless.

So when thinking about your business and how you are going to promote it, are you emotionally ready? Are you able to stand with confidence, speak clearly and relax, do you have a clear one minute that will educate the group on what you are looking for.

Remember you are not selling to the group you are selling to the people THEY know.

I have been an active networker for over four years and have much to share with my clients wishing to make the most of this amazing opportunity to grow your business.

If this blog post has bought any issues up for you and this is something you are ready to improve, please call me, I am here to help you reach your goals.

Call me on 407-494-3578 

Hypnosis Orlando

Providing Hypnotherapy to Orlando and the surrounding areas.

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