Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What is Transpersonal Hypnosis?

This is for many a scary concept and for some this may go against your religious belief's, if this is the case please do not be offended by this information, it just means it's not for you. 

My qualifications are Clinincal Hypnotherapist Transpersonal, but what is the Transpersonal bit all about ?

Well in essence it is Natal Regression (inside the womb) Past Life Regression (past lives) and also Life Between Life Regressions (The spiritual side of our past)

I know you may be thinking why on earth would we want to go back inside the womb? What information could we possibly gain there that is relevant to the here and now.

Answer is rather a lot!

I had a fear of dying and when I was regressed back to the cause I found myself curled up in a ball and a loud booming noise in my ears.

What I could hear was her heartbeat.

I found out that my mother was terrified she was going to miscarry and that I would not make it, interesting as we don't have a good relationship, and I never felt close to my mother.

Once i could see my fears were based on my mothers emotions I was able to let go of that and move on.

I called my mother later that day and she couldn't believe what I told her, indeed she was told I was never going to make it and that she should prepare to loose the pregnancy, for this reason she never bonded with the pregnancy or me.

She had never spoken of this before I called her that day.

A past life is when we have lived before and sometimes we carry, beliefs and emotions into the next lifetime, but these do not make sense in this lifetime and can be rather confusing and a cause for us to seek help in uncovering what the cause is.

I suffered headaches and had no idea why, after a regression the, be there now lead me back inside the womb (this is a long running theme for me by the way) and I was being aborted, the reason for the headaches were because I was 6 months and it was a back street job,
When I passed away I was in so much pain because my head had suffered the most unimaginable trauma, being such a small baby I didn't know what was happening and as a result had stayed present until the very end.

I was guided back before the injury took place and left my body before it happened, healing the headaches.

I know this is so shocking and to me at the time it was but I also gained insight into why this was happening and I felt no hatred towards my mother at the time, only love and compassion.

It is Imperative we are all at peace when we pass, I have lived with the physical karma of a past life and I do not want any other person to go through what I did. (I am available for spiritual counseling for this very reason) For me being able to be authentic about what I have experienced has made me a very good counselor in helping those near the end of their life to be at peace, this also is incredibly healing for the family left behind to really know it's not goodbye it's see you later.

Sound crazy ? Yes it probably does but I can assure you it was 100% true, I have 10 witness to prove it.

Life between life regressions are when we want to know the purpose of life and or who our soul group is.

We go back to the life before and past the death scene (not as bad as you may think) and we experience the soul returning to "home" this is where we are met by a guide and taken back for regeneration and a conversation about how much we learnt in that lifetime and what we could have done better.

In essence this is what Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is.

We need to be clear where we want to go to, and what we want to accomplish, example the past life most affecting me today, or if you want to find out why you have an aversion to a person or place.

Dr Brian Weiss MD has written many books in this fascinating subject. here is a link to his website.  He has many teachings on the subject and interesting you tube profile.

Yes transpersonal may not go well with certain belief's but for the most part it can be the answer to something you have been dealing with a long time, If i had not been brave enough to look back would still be suffering today.

If you have any questions about this and want to know more please contact me and I will be more than happy to answer any questions.

Click to learn more Hypnosis Orlando for more information

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