Thursday, July 3, 2014

You never know what you don't know, until you know!

Today I am writing a story of a client.

I know the family and asked if I could help, as i know there were some medical issues going on and it was at the stage where she was to scared to go and have a pap smear for fear of what she would be told.

After years of having repeat call backs for pap smear tests, she was to scared to even go along, she had many procedures but was at a point where she was in denial.

I asked her to come and see me to see if I could do something to help.

We all have cancer cells in us, which is a scary thought, but not everyone develops cancer, why ? What happens to some people that makes them a victim whilst other people, never have to worry.

Stress is the answer.

When we are in fight or flight mode, we can damage the immune system and or the gastro intestinal tract, this is because these two cannot be deprived even for a second.

During fight or flight everything is sent to the heart, because you are ready to take severe action, is it at these times we can be damaged and not know it.

So after explaining this to my client we discovered her childhood was full of fight and flight moments.

I knew I would be able to help her to heal, so we began her session.

When she was four years old, someone came into the house and kidnapped her father, She had no idea what was happening, but on seeing the fight of her father, she was in full adrenalin rush.

We were able to bring her to peace over this incident, and was able to heal the body, by positive suggestions and programming.

I am delighted to announce that Yesterday I got a call from her saying after the session she was brave enough to go back to the doctors and have been given the all clear!

Hypnosis is a incredibly powerful healing tool, sadly modern medicine does not always look at other alternatives, the one question I ask myself is, what if i had not been able to treat her?

A sobering thought.

So if you or anyone you know have been suffering medical issues and would like to learn how and why it is there and help it to heal please give me a call, I am here to help.

With a client coming for medical issues, we are required by law to get a written referral from the Clients doctor, you must always let your doctor know what you are going to do, so they can also be on board.

Hypnoteyes - changing lives


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