Thursday, December 19, 2013

Improve your love life!

Hypnosis can improve your sexual life. Read how hypnosis works and what are the dangers of hypnosis,Misconceptions about hypnosis

There are many rumors about hypnosis and hypnotists. Many people believe that hypnotists have special powers and that hypnosis can be misused. This is naturally not true. Hypnosis is a natural state, just like sleeping and being awake. We can achieve this state ourselves. It can also be done by a hypnotist, but only under certain conditions. The person that the hypnotist is attempting to hypnotize must be relaxed, capable of a certain amount of concentration and willing. You can’t hypnotize people against their will. You also can’t become trapped in a hypnotic state because it is just as natural as sleeping. Sooner or later, you wake up from hypnosis and fall asleep or become awake. Hypnosis is always self-induced, except that autohypnosis can also be caused by a hypnotist because they are guiding you to the altered state using power of suggestion and words. Even various mantras that some individuals keep repeating in their heads every day, like: “I’m not attractive enough”, “I’m not going to pass this exam”, can have a hypnotic effect.

Hypnosis as a therapeutic method for better sexuality

Hypnosis is used as a complimentary method, besides psychoanalysis and various psychotherapeutic approaches, to do away with various sexual problems. It can be used to solve problems on your own or together with your partner. This applies to the field of sexuality as well. It is always effective when the problems are psychological, when an individual holds on to negative experiences from the past, can’t relax, has a negative opinion of him or herself. Hypnosis touches upon the subconscious and effectively changes people, but we mustn’t understand it in the wrong way. People must have the desire to change, otherwise therapists have no chance of achieving anything. The other useful value is more practical. Self-hypnosis is an effective way to relax and relaxation is crucial during intercourse.

Instructions for relaxation before going to bed (or having sexual intercourse)

You lie on your back and close your eyes. Slowly, you begin to listen to your breathing and try to focus on it. Imagine a wave of relaxation going from your head to your heels and back again. Start with the scalp, forehead and eyes. Relax every muscle in your face, on your neck and so on. Try to feel the relaxation of every muscle in the way of the wave, while you keep breathing evenly. If you don’t fall asleep, try having sexual intercourse when you are this relaxed as well.

Hypnosis as an aid in everyday life

We are all familiar with thousands of books that tell us to be positive and the world will literally be turned upside down. Most of these teachings are based on autosuggestion, which is nothing more than a form of auto hypnosis. Just like hypnosis isn’t effective (even though it has the potential) on everyone, autosuggestion can also not work, especially if we resist such a “stupid” method in advance. But it can be very effective and can change our lives significantly, in the field of sexuality as well. Premature ejaculation, a poor self-image, the inability to reach an orgasm – all these are areas where hypnosis (self-hypnosis) works wonders. The power of hypnosis has been proved in the field of orgasms. It has been proved that everyone can reach a full orgasm under hypnosis, without any physical stimulation. The orgasm is in fact only in the head.

Instructions for reaching an orgasm

First relax, like it was described before. Then imagine that you are slowly descending down some stairs, a tunnel, riding a cloud, etc. This will strengthen the hypnotic state. Let your thoughts come and go, don’t get caught up in them. When you are completely relaxed, start imagining that you are enjoying intercourse with your partner. It as the best intercourse you have ever had. You are enjoying the warmth of two bodies, their energies. You feel skin touching skin. Suck in the sensations through all the senses. Slowly, imagine feeling an orgasm (the best kind) approaching. Let it wash over you and when the contractions get really powerful, imagine colors or light flashing in your brain. When the orgasm becomes more intense, let the light grow as well. Let it become bigger and more powerful. When you are having intercourse with your partner the next time and you feel an orgasm coming on, visualize this light and allow it to help you reach the best orgasm ever. You won’t be sorry.

We really can achieve anything we want, we just have to put our mind's to it!  for more information and guidance

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