Friday, July 6, 2012

Wealth, Prosperity and Hypnosis, How it can help you today.

Prosperity is something we all strive for but something that we constantly seem to fail at but why ?

We all know we need money to live and we all want the dream vacations and fast cars (mines an escalade!!!!!) but what's stopping us? or are we just not successful?

The answer is no, but our own beliefs are more than likely holding us back in what we need and strive for most.

I asked people in a room how much they would like to earn each year, I had all manner of answers $100,000 - $500,000 one person said as much as I possibly can and he was right!

Although $250,000 will of course pay the bills and give us the car and lifestyle we want, why not expect to earn as much as possible.

Fear is the answer, but what you put out you get back, it's called the law of attraction.

Somehow we all have this in us, For most people we see money as being the root of all evil, this is typically an older saying but even me aged 40 came out with that but why did I say that ?

Because it was programmed in by my mother, although she struggled with 3 jobs all my life, she I believe was scared by the thought of being wealthy, she did not think she deserved any better, even though she worked so hard.

Unworthy is a belief system I deal with most of the time.

For some in the back of our minds we did not come from money and therefore may have an emotional hang up on it.

The normal working guy I spoke to said yes but I couldn't possibly earn over $100,000 so why ask for it, well you just said it!

If you only cast your fishing pole out far enough to catch small fish, you will never have a chance of catching the bigger fish.

We are limiting our own power to gain what we need most - Security. 

So think about your own goals, are you limiting yourself?

Using Hypnosis we can clear these blockages and program in your real goals of what you want and WILL receive.

Creating and manifesting is something we should all do, but we have no concept of how to do it.

Because we do not believe we deserve it.

My program for this is to clear the blocks and then a create and manifesting session to get you on your way, so what are you worth ?

Contact me today

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