Friday, March 7, 2014

Dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Our troops have a big job to do and one which many of us are relieved we do not have to worry about ourselves, but what price do these incredibly brave people ultimately pay?

This photo is a soldier trying to cope with fireworks.

Truly heartbreaking as July 4th should be a joyful event, but never again for this soldier.

For many of us we have no concept that fireworks could be tough for a soldier to handle, in the photo above, it clearly is.

Using Hypnosis we can go back in time and investigate the event that caused the reaction, and repair the incorrect programming that they now have, back then in combat they had to have a reaction to the environment, they had to be in Fight Or Flight mode, now however back home they do not need this level of stress for everyday life.

Although knowing she is currently safe and back on American turf, she cannot change the reaction she has to the noise, the loud booming will take her into Fight Or Flight and the anxiety will begin, Emotion is stronger than intellect, meaning she has no control over the physical reaction she has.

Fight or Flight affects the Immune System and can affect the Digestive Tract, leaving the sufferer with not only panic attacks and anxiety but possibly Gurd, stomach ulcers, colitis, Irritable bowel Syndrome, and more.

I also want to say a huge thank you and appreciation for all those who are currently serving our country, those that are retired and those who gave their lives to protect our freedom.

So if someone you love and care about is suffering know there is help out there.

Hypnosis is very fast and effective and can alleviate the trauma asociated with PTSD.

So find out more today and make the first step to your emotional and physical freedom, you truly deserve it. consultation is free and no obligation

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