Friday, January 10, 2014

Here is another Case Study Of Mine.

A client came in suffering from a severe fear of Death.

It caused her to feel unsafe is all areas of her life and as such had affected her entire life, she did not see the point in making a career because all the effort was going to be wasted there was no point in having a family either.

So we went through her childhood and found nothing there, if you are suffering from an issue something has to have happened for it to be there in the first place, behavior is something that is learned.

So during her session I took her back to the original event that caused her to feel this way, she reported being in a dark place but feeling safe at that time.

I realized she was actually inside her mother's womb, I asked her to home in on what she could hear, she reported back her mother was in the hospital and she was being told the baby wasn't going to make it and she should prepare for the inevitable to happen.

Her mother spent the rest of the pregnancy on bed rest and finally had my client around her due date.

In this instance the mother had worried so much about loosing the baby she had mentally prepared for the child's passing.

This is where the fear of death came from, with some processing of the situation and forgiveness my client was healed and was able to move on.

I know this can sounds a little weird, I mean why on earth would we want to go back inside our mother?

The learnings are very clear, we do not arrive on the planet like a sheet of plain paper, waiting to be written on, sometimes we are already born with issues.

The good news is that you no longer have to live with these feelings and emotions, Hypnosis can be amazing at really getting to the root cause of how and why you feel a certain way.

Hypnosis Orlando can help you get to your goals!

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